Class Summary from 21/02/2024

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Hello! It’s been awhile! (Don’t worry the first official blog post will be here VERY soon). For now, I’ll be giving out a brief summary for the class that took place on February 21st, 2024.

It was an introductory class to one of the key elements that we’ll be doing throughout the semester—podcasts! Every few weeks a small group from the class will come together and share their thoughts on whatever topic they’re passionate about (You can expect me to pop up in a couple ones). The podcast in question can be found on the official website for our class, and it is called “Consciencia Delfín”. Regarding what actually happened during the class, well, three of our classmates carried out the recording process of the very first episode of the podcast live on class. The topic they chose to discuss was the current political and social climate of 2024, in particular the situation that’s been happening with Israel and Palestine. Once the recording was completed the entire class was taught on how to carry the editing process utilizing Audacity. It requires a bit of editing and tweaking with the audio, as well as the process of exporting the finished recording.

All in all, the class taught us how to carry out the podcast recording environment and the editing that’s done with audacity. And that’s a brief summary on the class of February 21st, 2024.

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